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Class2 Certificates

A Certificate is a digitally signed message that contains a Subscriber's public key and associates it with information authenticated by SAFESCRIPT or an SAFESCRIPT RA. SAFESCRIPT under this Agreement offers three distinct classes ("Classes") of Certificates, Classes 1, 2, and 3. Each class, of Certificates provides specific functionality and security features and corresponds to a specific level of trust. You are responsible for choosing which Class of Certificate You need. The following subsections state the appropriate uses and authentication procedures for each Class of Certificate. For more detailed information about SAFESCRIPT's digital certificates, please see the SAFESCRIPT Certification Practice Statement

Class 2 Certificates are issued to Individuals, and Devices.
Class 2 validation procedures are based on the assurance that subscriber’s Distinguished Name (DN) is unique and unambiguous within SAFESCRIPT Repository and that the identity of the Subscriber based on information provided by the Subscriber in the Certificate Application does not conflict with the information in a SAFESCRIPT approved and well recognized business or consumer database(s) (Validating Database).
Class 2 Individual Certificates are appropriate for Digital Signatures, encryption, and electronic access control in transactions where proof of identity based on information in the Validating Database is sufficient.
Class 2 Device Certificates are appropriate for device authentication; message, software, and content integrity; and confidentiality encryption.


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